[LCM Events] Fwd: FW: Lebanon Day at City Hall Plaza

Nina Jreige ninus at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 5 17:46:30 EDT 2012

Hi all,

On September 13 there will be Lebanon Day festival in Government Center. It
sounds like a fun time, I encourage you guys to go. If there is enough
interest, we can all leave together from MIT, e-mail me if you are


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Farrah Haidar <farrah at gettheboost.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:10 AM
Subject: FW: Lebanon Day at City Hall Plaza
To: Nina Jreige <ninus at mit.edu>

Hi, Nina -

I wanted to forward the details of this event to you.  The World Lebanese
Club Union (WLCU) has strived for a long time to have a Lebanon day
recognized and they have finally accomplished it.  On September 13th from
11am to 7 pm, there will be a Lebanese festival in Government Center and
the Lebanese flag will be raised.  We also expect Mayor Menino to be in

Obviously, for this to be a success, we need a large crowd. Can you spread
the word to LCM and any other Lebanese clubs you may be in touch with?  We
would love to see you guys there.

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