[LCM Events] Vigil for Gaza: TODAY 5.30

Noor Al Sharif ntsharif at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 20 14:00:22 EST 2012

Many of you might have heard of the blood being shed in Gaza. As this
violence ensues, we are only saddened by the lives it is taking away. The
loss of innocent lives should never be tolerated nor justified. Let the MIT
community show that it condemns this violence by joining us in a vigil held
for the people of Gaza. This vigil will take place on the steps of 77 Mass
Ave. and the sidewalk across the light at 5:30 PM.

*What:* Vigil for Gaza

*When:* Today (Tuesday) at 5:30 PM

*Where:* Steps of 77 Mass Ave

*Background on the situation:*

Since November 14, Israel has been conducting air raids and naval attacks
targeting militants in Gaza, the most densely populated strip on planet

Up to the time this email was written, the death toll reached 109
civilians, with at least 24 children and 10 women. More than 750 have been
injured, including women and children, and journalists who are granted the
same protections granted to civilians under International Humanitarian Law.

[image: Inline image 2]
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