[LCM Events] Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies Spring 2012 Events

Tan, Diane M Diane.Tan at tufts.edu
Wed Feb 22 13:22:05 EST 2012

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary
The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Fares Center Spring 2012 Events

Thursday, April 5, 12:30 PM, Mugar 129

Nadim Shehadi

Associate Fellow of the Middle East and North Africa Program, Chatham House, United Kingdom

"Power Sharing in the Middle East and the Ottoman Legacy"

Thursday, April 12, 12:30 PM, Mugar 129

Joyce Barsam

Vice President and Trustee, The Tavitian Foundation; Member, Board of Overseers, The Fletcher School

"Two Women's Lives in the Great War"

Thursday, April 19, 12:30 PM, Mugar 129

Leila Ahmed

Victor S. Thomas Professor of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School

"A conversation with Leila Ahmed about her recent book,

A Quiet Revolution: The Veil's Resurgence, from the Middle East to America"


Friday, April 20, 8:45 AM - 6:15 PM, The Coolidge Room, Ballou Hall

"The Legacy of Kamal Salibi"

For more information please visit:

http://farescenter.tufts.edu/events/ or call (617) 627-6560

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