[LCM Events] Dabke at MIT!!

Jenine Shaban Kotob jkotob at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 15 23:50:34 EST 2012

Hello everyone!

Dabka is coming to MIT and we want you to join!! I am working with Palestine at MIT to start a new dabka troupe and am hoping to have the first dabke meeting soon. I believe it is too late to plan something for this week, so I will start with next week. We will do introductions, song review, and basic steps. I would like to consolidate a day of the week that will work best for people who want to be permanent, committed members on the dabke team. This would require that we have practice once a week until our performances in April (iFair and Palestine Awareness Week). The goal is two choreographed dances, one traditional and one modern, and one participatory dance for the audience to join in. If you're interested in our first session please respond to the doodle with the best time for you for the remainder of the semester. If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail directly at jkotob at mit.edu.



Jenine Kotob
Master of Science of Architecture Studies
Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
School of Architecture + Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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