[LCM Events] Marcel Khalife celebrates Mahmoud Darwish, Arab Spring 5/5 in Boston

Obaidah Abuhashem ohashem at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 3 21:16:52 EDT 2012

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      [image: top banner]
      *Marcel Khalife and the Al Mayadine Ensemble *
*with Omeima El Khalil*
*May 5, 2012 *

 Tickets now on sale here!

[image: Fall of the Moon - postcard front]

Lebanese Master Marcel
perform the prophetic poems of the Arab World's most renowned and beloved
poet,  Mahmoud Darwish,<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpMudickoEZxdNSfaVp5huFbFHnN5gV3fbxNnlf3ZEk-qwNelWR2SOqnky-VAIxfuCyvSq3ZCZkrHBEyB_ncOn_57i-OzyR6B5pgOEyp7G95UKktqFZsZoIKJzNG3XAOnV8Rvt1FWdctW3nKBt9E7NAZHRTua4ULbqvI2BwwhpBZUQ==>
pay tribute to the Arab Spring.

 The poetry of Mahmoud Darwish, the melodies of Marcel Khalifé--resonating
across the Arab world from the Middle East to North Africa, rising above
the din of conflict and poverty, singing instead of the shade of
grapevines, the bright eyes of loved ones, the heartache of divisions and
decline that could be healed, love that could be returned.

Marcel Khalifé, Lebanese composer, singer, and master of the* 'oud* (Arabic
lute), evokes this world, honoring the spirit of his late friend and
associate the late Mahmoud Darwish, who passed away in 2008. Darwish was a
strikingly original Palestinian poet whose poetry has been translated to
more than 25 languages worldwide and extensively published in the US.

Khalifé's new concert program,* Fall of the Moon: An Homage to the Poet
Mahmoud Darwish and a Salute to the Arab Spring,* revisits and re-imagines
the ties that bound these two powerful iconic advocates of Arab culture in
a program that weaves the rich complexities of a great history and the
diversity of Arab cultures with the humanity and deep yearning expressed by
the current monumental events of the Arab Spring sweeping the Arab world.

Marcel Khalifé will be accompanied by his 12-member *Al Mayadine Ensemble. *

 Marcel Khalifé - composer,* 'oud,* vocals
 2- Oumeima El Khalil - vocals

Yolla Khalifé - vocals
Rami Khalifé - piano
Anthony Millet - accordion
Mark Helias -  double bass
Kinan Idnawi - 'oud
Feras Sharestan - qanoun
Omar Guey - violin
Ismail Lumanovski - clarinet
Aleksandar Petrov - percussion
Bachar Khalifé

Tickets now on sale here!

[image: fb logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpP-IFWjSCvO6tfUIzBvRL69zqfmY5VKZI1BIvUSwR7al9pceAlsjh-tRZ7mxa01nlJ1_O0D2_1j0ZPAbw_duHjGde_2yCq3ot5E3tG1QIvJMw==>
             *Co-presented by:**
[image: BPFF logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpMudickoEZxdC7T-nTP5t5RrcvrDkmrmytB0niMq_3pHunWlzuXLG8Lgd5DLOOGpOug__tk8YAZ6mD6gfH91_pxJrPieBKxrLuqUyYC94_MM2Blb-XIoCde>
PCRF logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpP4ydqNNE0NG3hrrqEaT3FTDxbcYCxwsNW15es3ol62VsRfodaT1-SDy8ZNVeztHscLc8XkGZyUhrsSW_7GLtxNEMAgVd2YfU1-UrjO35Cfu4gKUKKmQpXG>
CAC logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpPH4TqdfAkes9Jk6YF2alHAYIotJHK_I7IM2BkI0QTZnpoPTjIVhlfUTNi4jGMnlVkGks6c6QFqXJaVT2faEFitwb1nSXtv_IWkXBh7qqIlkXWUxpGHK0JruMI3OHZWsuU=>

**With support from:**

[image: Berklee logo png
LENOX logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109337035468&s=786&e=0014aL41naASpM_RWTIp1bTKRlmySQ9B3HORIS6ULSK2x9UXGv1FkkqYBLX4L6Bpt5ipEKGHO8rV4B-97WodyV_6724yTT5EqvXRw7Z0KJn0aJgIe3cZUVzjA==>
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