[LCM Events] MIT Lebanese Club Fall BBQ! Perfect weather!

Carine Abi Akar c.abiakar at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 22:48:32 EDT 2011

Hello all!
*The Lebanese Club at MIT cordially invites you to join us this Sunday, the
12th of September, for our annual Fall Kick-Off BBQ.**

The weather is set to be sunny and warm!

 12:00 - 5:00 PM
*Location: *Sidney Pacific Courtyard
*Cost: *FREE!
*Address:* 70 Pacific Street, Cambridge MA 02139

http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=NW86&Buildings=go (map)
*Come join us for some great food, company, music, and fun before the school
year is in full swing!*

See you this Sunday!

Carine Abi Akar

Undergraduate Researcher, Humans and Automation Lab at MIT
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Class of 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
cabiakar at mit.edu
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