[LCM Events] Harvard Arab Weekend

Carine Abi Akar cabiakar at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 26 19:47:49 EDT 2011


   *Dear all,*

   *Please read the message below from the Harvard Community for their
   Annual Harvard Arab Weekend. *





   Dearest friends,

   I hope you are well in your own lives, passions, education and work [image:
   :)] I know we are all partaking in lives of impact in some way [image:

   I am sending this message to ask you to help me to publicize the Harvard
   Arab Weekend that will take place in Harvard University between November
   10-13 2011 . I am organizing the education events of the conference bringing
   in a varied number of academics, experts, university presidents from the
   region and practitioners.

   We have some very important people coming including acting Prime Minister
   of Libya and members of the April 6 movement of Egypt.

   Here is the website: www.harvardarabweekend.org

   and the youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd9XEMR73JA

   Could you please post it as a status, tweet it and reach out to people
   who would be interested? Your participation is vital for creating a forum
   for people who are not in the region and partaking in voicing their thoughts
   here in the US and in front of the media.

   Peace, always..
   -  *harvardarabweekend.org <http://www.harvardarabweekend.org/>*

   Carine Abi Akar

   Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
   Class of 2012
   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
   <http://www.harvardarabweekend.org/>cabiakar at mit.edu
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