[LCM Events] ASO & LCM Research Seminar

Nina Jreige ninus at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 13 15:30:00 EST 2011

The MIT Arab Students' Organization

& The Lebanese Club at MIT


The Arab Research Seminar


Youssef Mroueh* *and Khalid Al Ahmed

Youssef is a graduate student in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science. He is going to talk about his research:

Multi-Class Learning for Scalable Object Recognition.

Khalid is a graduate student in Engineering Systems Division. He is
going to talk about his research:

Aggregate Model and Analysis of the Energy Dynamics in The Kingdom of Saudi

Please join us for an exciting night and FREE dinner. Talk to our speakers
and others who will be there. Support your fellow Arab researchers!

Date: Monday, November 14th, 2011

Time: 6:00pm- 7:30pm

Place: 2-105


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