[LCM Events] Lecture: "How Has the Arab Spring Affected Yemen & the Gulf?" | Monday, November 7 | 12:30 - 2:00 | Fares Center Conference Room

Fares Center Group Mailbox fares-center at tufts.edu
Tue Nov 1 16:20:12 EDT 2011

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary
The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Invites you to a Roundtable Discussion

"How has the Arab Spring Affected Yemen and the Gulf?"

Essentially every country in the Middle East and North Africa has felt the impact of the so-called "Arab Spring" in one way or another.  On the Arabian Peninsula, the impact has varied. In Yemen, serious conflict has been ongoing for months, and it is not yet resolved despite the efforts of neighbors and others to help mediate a solution.  Unrest in Bahrain took a different course, with neighbors from the Gulf Cooperation Council intervening.  The rest of the countries of the Peninsula have been quieter, but rulers have certainly taken notice of changes in the region and responded in various ways.

What is behind these differences? What will the short-term and long-term outcomes be? This panel will lead an informal discussion of these topics.

Chaired by: Ambassador William Rugh, Edward R. Murrow Visiting Professor of Public Diplomacy, The Fletcher School and Visiting Scholar at the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Monday, November 7, 2011

12:30-1:45 pm

Mugar, Room 129

Space is limited.  Register for your free ticket at:

For more information contact:
The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Cabot Intercultural Center
160 Packard Avenue Medford, Massachusetts 02155
christopher.zymaris at tufts.edu

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