[LCM Events] Fwd: [arab-announce] (Location Update) Discussion on the Middle East with Prof. Nasser Rabbat

John Boghossian jbogoss at MIT.EDU
Sat Mar 12 09:28:01 EST 2011

Hi all,

Below are details about an interesting event organized by the Arab Student Organization next Tuesday, March 15.

Have a great weekend!


John Boghossian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology '11
Mechanical Engineering and Economics
428 Memorial Drive
Cambridge MA 02139
(617)710-2411 | jbogoss at mit.edu

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Hisham H Al Hasan <alhasan at MIT.EDU>
> Date: March 11, 2011 10:14:09 PM EST
> To: "arab-announce at mit.edu" <arab-announce at mit.edu>, "arab-comm at mit.edu" <arab-comm at mit.edu>
> Cc: "daljawam at wellesley.edu" <daljawam at wellesley.edu>, "zfanek at wellesley.edu" <zfanek at wellesley.edu>
> Subject: [arab-announce] (Location Update) Discussion on the Middle East with Prof. Nasser Rabbat
> Greetings from the ASO,
> This email is regarding our planned event, a discussion on the Middle East with Prof. Nasser Rabbat, Professor of Islamic Architecture and Director of the Agha Khan Program of Islamic Architecture at MIT.
> What we are planning:
> The ASO plans to have an exchange of opinion on what is currently happening in the Middle East, why it is happening the way it is, and where it is going.  We are going to speak about the recent history of the Arab world, about the complex web of cultures operating there, about the new technologies, about the discontent of the youth, about the aging of the regimes, and about the geopolitical context. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Nasser Rabbat (you may view his information below).
> When:
> March 15th, 6:30-8:30 pm.
> Where:
> MIT Campus, building 4, room 4-327.
> Who will attend:
> The ASO plans to have an open invitation. Among the invited clubs at MIT will be members of the Lebanese Club, the Egyptian Club, Palestine at MIT, and the Arab Women Association of Wellesley.
> For more information about Prof. Rabbat, you may refer to Prof. Rabbat's Architecture Department profile, where you may find more details regarding his teaching, research interests, and recent publications <http://architecture.mit.edu/people/profiles/prrabbat.html>.
> We hope to see you there.
> Best regards,
> Hisham Al Hasan
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