[LCM Events] Fwd: Arab Research Seminar

Dahlia Alkekhia dahlia at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 2 02:11:54 EST 2011

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From: Obaidah Abuhashem <ohashem at mit.edu>
Date: 2011/3/1
Subject: Re: [arab-announce] Arab Research Seminar
To: Arab-announce <Arab-announce at mit.edu>, Arab-events <Arab-events at mit.edu>

The MIT Arab Students' Organization

& The Lebanese Club at MIT


The Arab Research Seminar


Muhannad Abuhaikal and Burhan Saifaddin

Muhannad is a graduate student in Civil Engineering. He is going to talk
about his current research:

Nano-Chemo- Mechanical assessment of cement paste partially replaced by rice
husk ash.

Burhan is a graduate student in Materials Science and Engineering. He is
going to talk about his about his research:

            Challenges and Commercialization of Organic Solar Cells.

Please join us for an exciting night and FREE snacks. Talk to our speakers
and others who will be there. Support your fellow Arab researchers!

Date: Thursday, March 3rd, 2010

Time: 6:00pm- 7:30pm

Place: 4-231


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