[LCM Events] Club of Lebanon Summer Send-Off

John Boghossian jbogoss at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 4 04:28:26 EDT 2011

Hi All,

Please confirm attendance to manal at alum.mit.edu.

And thank you Zeina Saab for your tremendous support in organizing this event!

John Boghossian

On Jul 4, 2011, at 4:17 PM, John Boghossian wrote:

> Dear All,
> The MIT Club of Lebanon will be holding its annual "Summer Send-Off" event this summer in Beirut on Monday, August 8th from 6:30-9pm.
> This will be a great opportunity for us to meet the newly-admitted Lebanese students before they fly out to Boston for their orientation.
> Details on the venue, along with other information, will be shared soon.
> Please make sure to save the date!  We hope many of you will join us.
> On behalf of the LCM Executive Board,
> John Boghossian

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