[LCM Events] TODAY: LCM Lecture on Architecture Projects: Harvard Prof Hashim Sarkis at MIT

Nina Jreige ninus at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 24 13:03:52 EST 2011

Hi Everyone!

As part of a Lecture Series organized by the Lebanese Club at MIT, and in
conjunction with the Architecture Department at MIT, we are pleased to
invite you to a lecture by Professor *Hashim Sarkis* of Harvard University
on *Today at 6:30 PM, in **Room 7-431* <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=7>. The
title of his talk is:
*Working Grounds: Recent Projects in Lebanon*

Professor Sarkis is both a professor at Harvard, teaching courses in the
history and theory of architecture, and a practicing architect between
Cambridge, MA and Lebanon. He will be elaborating on his latest work in the
region. His design projects in Lebanon include the Housing for the Fishermen
of Tyre (Lebanon), for which he received a BSA award for in 2008, a park in
downtown Beirut, two schools in Northern Lebanon, and various urban and
landscape projects.

We are very excited to listen to him speak, and we hope that you will join
us for a great lecture and discussion. There will be *snacks and drinks* at
the lecture, so come early!

*When*: Thursday, February 24
*Where*: *Room 7-431* <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=7>
*Time*: 6:30 PM

Hope to see many of you there!


The Lebanese Club at MIT Executive Board
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