[LCM Events] Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar - Dr. Andrew Bacevich - March 1, 2011

Pardis Parsa pardisp at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 18 11:23:36 EST 2011

MIT Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar

Andrew Bacevich
Professor of International Relations and History
Boston University

"US & Israeli Interests: Aligned or Diverging?"

March 1, 2011
E51-335 (Tang Center, 70 Memorial Drive)

For more information http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=13572472&date=2011/3/1

Seminars will be held in building E51, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge.

Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar: http://web.mit.edu/CIS/bustani/bustani2011spring.htm

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