[LCM Events] December 7, 2011, 5:30 PM | Is the Revolution here yet? Assessing the 2011 Upheaval in the Middle East | Tufts University

Zymaris, Christopher C. Christopher.Zymaris at tufts.edu
Tue Dec 6 14:54:36 EST 2011

The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies presents:

"Is the Revolution here yet?  Assessing the 2011 Upheaval in the Middle East"
Augustus Richard Norton
Professor of International Relations and Anthropology, Boston University
Chaired by Professor Ali Banuazizi, Professor of Political Science and Co-director of the Program in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Boston College

December 7 , 2011
5:30 PM, Cabot Room 702, Tufts University

Free and open to the public

Chris Zymaris
Staff Assistant - Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
160 Packard Ave
Medford, MA 02155
Tel: 617-627-6560 Fax: 617-627-3461

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