[LCM Events] Fwd: SP lebanese coffee hour

John Boghossian jbogoss at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 13 13:27:29 EDT 2011


John Boghossian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mechanical Engineering | Economics
jbogoss at mit.edu

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mirna Slim <mirnas at MIT.EDU>
> Date: April 13, 2011 8:57:54 AM EDT
> To: gaoude at mit.edu, jbogoss at mit.edu, cabiakar at mit.edu
> Subject: SP lebanese coffee hour

> Hi,
> A kind reminder that SP is having a lebanese coffee hour tonight at 9PM, at Sydney-Pacific dormitory on the MIT campus.

> Hussam and I (+MIddle East restaurant and friends) prepared nice stuff yesterday
> (lentil soup, borgol, sa7lab, hommus, baba ganouj, lebneh, BBQ beef, tawoo2, kafta, falafel, tabbouli, konafa)
> tell the rest of the leb. gang about this and join us
> mirna
> -- 
> Mirna Slim
> Sidney-Pacific VP of Residential Life
> Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 54-712
> Cambridge, MA 02139
> Off.: 1-617 252 1974

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