[LCM Events] LCM - HBS Lebanese Dinner Friday, April 8

John Boghossian jbogoss at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 4 11:16:09 EDT 2011

Hi all,

The LCM and the Lebanese community at Harvard Business School are excited to bring you a social dinner on next Friday, April 8, at 8:30PM.

Please fill out this Doodle is you are planning on attending the dinner, just so we have an accurate number of people for reservations.
Confirm by this Wednesday if you want to be guaranteed a spot - late notices might be accommodated, based on availability.

The place for the dinner is TBD, but we should be leaving campus at 8pm and be away for about 2-2.5hours.

We hope to see many of you there!


John Boghossian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology '11
Mechanical Engineering and Economics
428 Memorial Drive
Cambridge MA 02139
(617)710-2411 | jbogoss at mit.edu

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