[LCM Events] Lecture - Monday, April 4, 2011 at 5:30 PM: "What Future for Jerusalem?"

Fares Center fares-center at tufts.edu
Fri Apr 1 16:34:58 EDT 2011

The Fares Center for Eastern 

Mediterranean Studies



"What Future for Jerusalem?"


Salim Tamari 


Visiting Arcapita Professor, Columbia University Middle East Institute;
Director of the Institute of Jerusalem studies and Professor of Sociology,
Brizeit University.


Salim Tamari is the director of the Institute of Jerusalem Studies and
Professor of Sociology at Birzeit University. He is also currently the
Columbia University ARCAPITA Visiting Professor and has been a visiting
professor at University of Venice Ca Foscari in Mediterranean Studies since
2006. His Recent publications include: Jerusalem 1948 (2001); Al Quds Al
Uthmaniyya (Ottoman Jerusalem) (2002); Mandate Jerusalem in the Memoirs of
Wasif Jawahariyyeh (with Issam Nassar, 2005); al Jabal didd al Bahar,
Muwatin (2005); Year of the Locust: Palestine and Syria during WWI
(forthcoming UC Press, 2011). His current research addresses Ottoman mapping
and ethnicity, and planning Jerusalem in the late Ottoman and mandate
periods. Tamari received a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of


Chaired by Prof. Nadim Rouhana 

Monday, April 04, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Cabot 7th Floor - Tufts University 

Open to the Public



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