Nina Jreige ninus at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 24 13:57:19 EST 2010

The much-anticipated *LIBANISSIMO** XI* is coming up!

 Come enjoy amazing Lebanese food, international dance tunes, and a special
belly-dancing performance!

Make sure to save the date, buy your tickets, and spread the word for what
is sure to be an unforgettable night!

**Friday, December 3**  9pm-1am

Walker Memorial, Morse Hall <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=50>

Bldg 50, 142 Memorial Dr., Cambridge

LIBANISSIMO sells OUT every year!

Tickets are limited; make sure to buy yours now!

Ticket sale:

Buy online at:


or Nov. 30 - Dec.3  from 10am-4pm at the Stata

1st hundred tickets (online and MIT campus): $7

Regular online pre-sale: $10

Regular sale at the door: $15

Food served starting at 9pm

Cashbar for alcoholic beverages

See you all there!
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