[LCM Events] Tomorrow!

Carine Abi Akar cabiakar at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 29 15:34:41 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone!!

This is just a reminder that LIBANISSIMO X is TOMORROW!
Please by your tickets early so that you do not have to wait in long lines
and so that you can get to party faster!
We will have two belly dancer performances and lots of Lebanese food! Plus,
our fantastic DJ will be playing fantastic music for us all night long!
Those who will be drinking, please do not forget an I.D. :)

You can buy your tickets at: http://sao.mit.edu/tickets/2010/libanissimo

See you all there!

Carine Abi Akar

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Class of 2012
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