[LCM Events] Partying from Athens to Beirut - online Ticket Sale ending soon!

Georges Aoude gaoude at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 12 15:05:52 EST 2009

Hi everyone,

To those who have bought tickets: we can't wait to have you attend and
come party with us!

To those who have not yet bought tickets, please note that online $10
ticket sales will stop tomorrow (Friday) at NOON. This is to allow
ticket processing time and resolution of any ticket related issues.
Some tickets will be available at the door for the price of $15.

Online ticket link: http://sao.mit.edu/tickets/2009/athens-to-beirut

Facebook event link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170464441767

See you soon!

Georges Aoude
Ph.D. Candidate
Aerospace Controls Laboratory
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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