[LCM Events] Fw: MIT Club of Lebanon -Admitted Students Event; Thurs. April 30, 2009; 6:30PM; Vendome Intercontinental Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon

Alice Nawfal alicen at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 27 21:43:56 EDT 2009

I was asked to forward this to the LCM events-list in case any of our 
MIT alumni are in the region and can make it to the reception:

> --- On Fri, 3/27/09, Manal Hatem-Moussallem <manalm99 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> From: Manal Hatem-Moussallem <manalm99 at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: MIT Club of Lebanon -Admitted Students Event; Thurs. April 30, 2009; 6:30PM; Vendome Intercontinental Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon
>> To: arash.deli at gmail.com, eyas.sharaiha at gmail.com, aua at live.fr, kaizune at gmail.com, p_codouni at hotmail.com, john_yazbeck at hotmail.com, johnq- at hotmail.com, nargissmouatta at gmail.com, pwuche at yahoo.com, www_333_www at hotmail.com, sahar.alkhairy at gmail.com, alsharif.noor at hotmail.com, afrohead91 at hotmail.com, saher.scienceboy at gmail.com, lena_awwad at yahoo.com, wesam.manassra at gmail.com, AHMED.HELAL at POLYTECHNIQUE.EDU, SARAH_RAHA at YAHOO.COM, FAGHIH.A at GMAIL.COM, m_imani at MIT.EDU, JAVANMARD.ADEL at GMAIL.COM, MINA.KARZAND at EPFL.CH, PARANDEHGHEIBI at EE.SHARIF.EDU, ARMAN_REZAEE at HOTMAIL.COM, ISOLTANI at UOTTAWA.CA, ZADIMOGHADDAM at GMAIL.COM, HUSSEINI at CIM.MCGILL.CA, alsalem at MIT.EDU, ZYAHMAD at OAKLAND.EDU, iab02 at MIT.EDU, hzebian at MIT.EDU
>> Cc: melissam at mit.edu, mtom at mit.edu, nchammas at netgate.com.lb
>> Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 3:35 PM
>> Dear all:
>> I hope this mail finds you well.
>> The MIT Club of Lebanon is organizing, for the sixth time,
>> and in coordination with the Educational Council's Regional
>> Chairmanship in the Arab Countries, its annual event for
>> admitted students and their parents:
>> Date: Thursday April 30, 2009
>> Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
>> Place: Vendome Intercontinental Hotel, Beirut
>> Contribution: 50,000 LBP for Club members; admitted
>> students and their parents are the guests of the Club
>> To you undergraduate and graduate admitted students, allow
>> me, on behalf of the MIT Club of Lebanon and the Educational
>> Council's Regional Chairmanship in the Arab Countries, to
>> say Congratulations! We look forward to meeting you and your
>> parents on the 30th of April, and sharing with you the great
>> memories we have from our study years at MIT.
>> As for you dearest Club's colleagues, the Club's committee
>> hopes to see you all at this annual event...
>> Please confirm your participation before Thursday April 16,
>> 2009 (manal at alum.mit.edu,
>> 03-626708).
>> Looking forward to seeing you on the 30th of April, in the
>> meantime,
>> Best regards,
>> Manal Moussallem
>> Vice President 
>> MIT Club of Lebanon

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