[LCM Events] REMINDER - Tonight! ASO-LCM Research Seminar and Dinner (in 2-105)

Alice Nawfal alicen at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 27 02:24:10 EDT 2009

This is a reminder about tonight's event:

Dear all,

Once again, we will be having the joint LCM/ASO research seminar next 
Monday, 27th of April
from 7am to 9pm in room 2-105.

This time, two MIT graduate students will be presenting about their 

- Hanan karam, a PhD student in the department of civil and environmental
engineering will be talking about the dynamics and impacts of seawater
circulation in coastal aquifers.

- Hussam Busfar, a graduate student in the department of earth, atmosphere
and planetary science will be talking about determining the focal 
mechanism of

We Hope to see you all there!

ASO and LCM committees

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