[LCM Events] LIBANISSIMO IX - TUESDAY, April 14th! Online Tickets now available!

Patrick Zeitouni patrickz at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 1 21:53:33 EDT 2009

Dear All,


Buy your tickets NOW for the much-anticipated LIBANISSIMO IX, on April 14th!


Make sure to save the date, buy your tickets, and spread the word for what
is sure to be another unforgettable night! FIRST 100 tickets are DISCOUNTED
to $7!


Buy online at: http://libanissimo.mit.edu  


You may also purchase your tickets at the student center 4/8-4/10 (Wed thru
Fri), and at Lobby 10 4/13-4/14 (Mon & Tue).


Come enjoy amazing Lebanese delicacies, international dance tunes, and a
special belly dancing performance!



Pre-sale online and on campus:

1st hundred tickets will sell for $7

Reduced price tickets $10 after


Regular price $15 at the door



Food served till 10pm

Cashbar for alcoholic beverages


See you all there!


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