[LCM Events] McKinsey Middle East Recruiting Event in Boston on Wednesday 24th Sept

Habib Haddad hadidhabbab at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 21 13:28:33 EDT 2008

Hi all,
McKinsey Middle East will be recruiting in Boston this Wednesday at Westin Waterfront hotel in Boston at 6:30. Dinner/iftar will be served at the event but an RSVP is required (RSVP to meo_careers at mckinsey.com). If you would like more info and a direct intro to Shad please let me know.
You can find more info below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Shad AhmedDear Habib, Hope you are well. Can you please forward the email below to your friends in the US and members organizations you are associated with? Given the growth in the Middle East and the economic slow-down in the US, many of them might be especially interested in opportunities in the region. The invitation below is for our event in Boston next Wednesday (9/24); the full schedule of US events is as follows: 

Philadelphia (9/23)
Boston (9/24)
Ann Arbor (9/25)
Berkeley/SF Bay Area (9/27)
Stanford (9/28)
If anyone is interested in attending, they can RSVP to meo_careers at mckinsey.com and we will respond with logistical details (location, timing).   Feel free to pass along my email address as well, in case anyone would like to contact me directly should they have any questions. Thanks, Shad __________________Shad AhmedMcKinsey&Company, Middle East Officewww.mckinsey.ae
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