[LCM Events] Harvard MENA Weekend - Dec 4-6

Habib Haddad hadidhabbab at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 14 15:19:32 EST 2008

Hey all, I thought you might be interested in this event ! ----Dear Friends, We are delighted to invite you to the 2nd Harvard Middle East / NorthAfrica Weekend, which will be held in Boston between December 4 and 6,2008. The title of this year's event is "Eyes on MENA: OpportunitiesAmidst Global Turmoil". The three-day event is anchored by a CivilSociety Forum, Business Conference, Public Health Conference and aCareer Fair. We expect the Harvard MENA Weekend to build on the tremendous successof the inaugural weekend which attracted leading figures from MENA,several of the region's top employers, and more than 400 participantsincluding students and alumni from Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Stanford,Yale, Wharton and INSEAD. The HAAA, in coordination with Middle East groups across Harvard, ishosting a series of events over the course of the weekend dedicated tocontemporary MENA issues. We hope you can join us for this landmarkweekend. For further information and to register, please see theattached flier and check-out the website: www.harvardmena.org .  Thepre-registration period begins on Nov 6th, please visit the websitefor further detail about registration deadlines and fees. Please feel free to forward this email to any of your colleagues orfriends who might be interested in attending the Harvard MENA Weekend.If you have any questions or comments, please email Sena Halabi, atsena at harvardarabalumni.org. We hope you can join as for this important weekend, and we lookforward to welcoming you back to Harvard in December. Regards, Harvard MENA Weekend Organizing Team
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