[LCM Events] Important Details for LIBANISSIMO VIII - THIS FRIDAY!

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 31 00:30:54 EDT 2008

Dear All,

The much-anticipated LIBANISSIMO VIII is *THIS FRIDAY!*

Some important details are provided below:

1 - Online ticketing closes at 4pm on Friday!  Buy your ticket today!

2 - For those looking to buy the $5 tickets at MIT (Wednesday-Friday) we will be
    at the Student Center rather than Lobby 10.  Please find us there!

3 - If you are buying a student ticket online, please bring your student IDs on

4 - The easiest way to get to Lobdell is by taking the #1 Bus which stops right
    in front of the MIT Student Center on Mass Ave.  You can also take the red
    line and get off the Central Square T stop.

More details below:

*FRIDAY, APRIL 4*  9pm-1am
Stratton Student Center, 2nd Floor (Lobdell)

Bldg W20, 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge
<http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=W20> map

All you can handle of Lebanese delicacies
international tunes spun by DJ Eddie
belly dancing performances by Lilya
and a special debke performance!

LIBANISSIMO sells out every year!
Tickets are limited; make sure to buy yours now:

$5 online ($7 non-students) http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/
$5 at Student Center booths (April 2-4)
$10 at the door

tickets cover dinner & entertainment
cashbar for alcoholic beverages

See you all there!


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