[LCM Events] Palestine Awareness Week 2008 - NEXT WEEK

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 26 23:36:12 EDT 2008

Dear All,

Try to stop by some of these events if you can!


March 31 - April 4

Monday - Friday in Lobby 10
Stop by our booth to learn about the Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine and the
events you can attend for more information.
Occupation 101: Film Screening & Discussion
Tuesday, April 1st 7 pm in 2-105
Palestine: 60 years of Dispossession & Displacement
Lecture by Dr. Norman Finkelstein
Wednesday, April 2nd 6pm in 6-120
Coffee Hour & Discussion with MIT's Palestinian Students
Friday, April 4th 4:30pm in 1-150

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