[LCM Events] LIBANISSIMO VIII - Friday, April 4th

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 24 01:04:06 EDT 2008

Dear All,

The much-anticipated LIBANISSIMO VIII is in less than two weeks!

Make sure to save the date, buy your tickets, and spread the word for what is
sure to be another unforgettable night!

*FRIDAY, APRIL 4*  9pm-1am
Stratton Student Center, 2nd Floor (Lobdell)

Bldg W20, 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge
<http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=W20> map

All you can handle of Lebanese delicacies
international tunes spun by DJ Eddie
belly dancing performances by Lilya
and a special debke performance!

LIBANISSIMO sells out every year!
Tickets are limited; make sure to buy yours now:

$5 online ($7 non-students) http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/
$5 at Lobby 10 booths (April 2-4)
$10 at the door

tickets cover dinner & entertainment
cashbar for alcoholic beverages

See you all there!


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