[LCM Events] Free Graduate-Level Educational Opportunity at MIST

Zeina Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 30 06:13:59 EDT 2008

Dear All,

For those students and young professionals interested in pursuing their studies
in engineering/science education, there is a great opportunity to receive a
full scholarship from the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in the

Check out the details below on how to apply.

Good luck!



Hi all,

This is a great opportunity for a free graduate-level engineering/science
education in the UAE. Please find details and relevant links about the
Masdar Institute and how to apply below. The admission process is rolling
for the 2009 class and they are currently accepting applications for the
Pre-class (http://www.masdar.ac.ae/careers/index.aspx?mi=crs), 2009, and
2010 class. Feel free to forward this info and share this opportunity with
undergraduate students, academic/student organizations, and passionate young
visionaries interested in making history and changing the world.



The Masdar Institute (http://www.mist.ac.ae/) is a private, not-for-profit,
independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and
cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The
Institute offers Masters and (eventually) PhD programs in science and
engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable
technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified local
and international students and provides fellowships to talented students who
meet its high admission standards. Its faculty is of the highest quality and
the intent is to have the structure of its top administration similar to
that of top scientific research/academic institutions.This new Institute
will establish linkages with the government and industry, both within the
region and internationally, in order to move new knowledge to use in the
form of innovative technologies and in the education of a wider audience.

Details of the Scholarship:
Full financial support is available to qualified talented students who meet
its high admission standards (

Students accepted into MIST will be offered a full financial aid package
which includes the following:

   - 100% tuition fee scholarship
   - Allowance for textbooks
   - Allowance for laptop
   - Free Medical Insurance
   - Free Housing in a single unit apartment
   - Travel: International students will receive reimbursement of travel
   expenses (economy class air-ticket) into Abu Dhabi and back home after
   completion of studies. Travel expenses (return economy class air-ticket)
   back to the student's home country at the end of the 1st year of studies
   will also be reimbursed.
   - Reimbursement of TOEFL and GRE exam fees (upon registration at MIST and
   submission of original receipts)
   - A competitive stipend (cost of living allowance) per month
   - No bond or conditions to the scholarship upon graduation

The financial aid is subject to the student maintaining a minimum CGPA as
determined by MIST and satisfactory progress on their research.

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