[LCM Events] February 20: Fares Center Roundtable on "Lebanon: The Elusive Presidential Elections"

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Sat Feb 16 10:22:26 EST 2008

"Lebanon: The Elusive Presidential Elections"

The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies Invites you to a Roundtable
Discussion Moderated by Professor Ibrahim Warde with participation by Tarek
Zeidan and Alain Hasrouny

Wednesday February 20, 2008
12:30 - 2:00pm
Fares Center Conference room (Mugar 129)

Luncheon will be served

The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
Cabot Intercultural Center
Tufts University
160 Packard Avenue
Medford, Massachusetts 02155


For more information contact:
Omar Dauhajre @ 617-627-6560

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