[LCM Events] Opportunities with BCG in the Middle East

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 11 23:19:29 EDT 2007

Dear All,

The Boston Consulting Group will be recruiting for positions in Dubai and Abu
Dhabi on Tuesday, September 25th.  Please see the attached flyer and the
details below for more information.


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a leading international strategy
and general management consulting firm whose mission is to help
leading corporations create and sustain competitive advantage with
breakthrough thinking, rigorous analysis, and applied creativity. We
develop tailored solutions together with our clients and support their
implementation and establishment.  A majority of our approximately
3,900 consultants have advanced degrees from leading business schools
and institutions. BCG values diverse perspectives, and our project
teams reflect the company's global presence in 66 offices across 5

BCG has been working in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region
since 2004 - for many clients across multiple industries.  Given the
massive growth of the Gulf countries' economies and the growing
interest of our international clients for the region, we are seeking
candidates in our Dubai and Abu Dhabi offices. Specifically, we are
looking for individuals who demonstrate excellence in academic
achievements, who are professional and eager to learn continuously and
take on new challenges, and have the ability to work well under
pressure, with energy, enthusiasm, and dedication. Knowledge of Arabic
is preferred.

We will be on campus later this month to further introduce BCG to you - hope you
can make it!

Tuesday, September 25
The Charles Hotel, Harvard Square

  <<Middle east Presentation 9-25-2007(final).pdf>>

For more information/questions please contact:
Emily M. Shields, International Recruiting Coordinator
shields.emily at bcg.com

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