[LCM Events] LIBANISSIMO TICKETS Now Available Online

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 24 02:45:33 EDT 2007

Dear All,

Libanissimo tickets are now available to purchase online for $5!

Please visit: web.mit.edu/lebanon

Spread the word!  We hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 3rd, 9pm-1am
Morss Hall, Walker Memorial

Bldg 50, 142 Memorial Dr., Cambridge |

All you can handle of Lebanese delicacies
international tunes spun by DJ Kamal (from Caprice and Underbar)
belly dancing performances by Lilya
and lots of earth-shattering dabke!

LIBANISSIMO sells out every year!
Tickets are limited; make sure to buy yours now:

$5 online (http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/)
$5 at Lobby 10 booths (Wednesday, Oct. 31 and Thursday, Nov. 1)
$8 at event on Saturday

tickets cover dinner & entertainment
cashbar for alcoholic beverages

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