[LCM Events] Research Seminar Series for Arab Students

Rami Rahal rahalr at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 18 11:46:51 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,
The Arab Students' Organization (ASO) and the Lebanese Club at MIT  
(LCM) are co-organizing a monthly research seminar series for Arab  
students (and researchers) at MIT.  The aim of these talks is
(1) to raise awareness of the excellent research being done by Arab/ 
Middle Eastern students at MIT and
(2) to foster a greater sense of community among Arab students.

We hope to have at least one, preferably two, 30 min talks per  
session for this series.  Each seminar will highlight what the  
important questions/concerns are in a particular field, why they are  
important, and how those questions/concerns are being addressed (and  
any results).  We are confident that both the audience and the  
speakers will benefit from these talks since the audience will get to  
listen to talks from fields very different from their own and the  
speakers  will have the challenge of explaining their highly  
technical work to a general audience and to try to convince them of  
its importance - an ability that is useful to every scientist/ 

If you are interested in participating in this series, please send an  
email with a brief description of your work to me or Iman Kandil  
(ikandil at MIT.EDU) (you do not have to be a member of the ASO or  
LCM).  Please do not be concerned about whether you have enough data  
for these seminars - we are interested in hosting clear and concise  
talks from all disciplines, not necessarily data-rich presentations.   
Ongoing research is perfectly suited for these talks.

We would like to start this series ASAP so please do not hesitate to  
contact us with any questions or suggestions.

Rami and Iman
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