[LCM Events] Marcel Khalife Concert in Boston

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 7 23:23:43 EDT 2007

World-Renowned Lebanese Composer and Oudmaster, and UNESCO Artist for Peace

                         Marcel Khalife in Concert

Performing contemporary and classical Arabic music as part of his 2007 USA and
Canada Grand Tour

When:  Friday, November 16th, 2007 - 8pm
Where:  Berklee Performance Center

Box Office: 136 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston
Mon-Sat. 10am-6pm

Ticketmaster:  (617) 931-2000 or www.ticketmaster.com
Tickets:  $100, $36, $20 students and children under 12

Presented By:


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Concert proceeds will make it possible for two music students from the Edward
Said National Conservatory in Palestine to attend a five week music program at
Berklee College, summer 2008.

Named UNESCO Artist for Peace for his artistic achievements and humanitarian
work, Lebanese singer, composer, and oud master Marcel Khalife is one of
today's leading Arab musicians.  His haunting vocals and mesmerizing
instruments have fascinated audiences worldwide.

Khalife has been injecting a new life into the oud with his prolific,
innovative, and groundbreaking compositions.  Through his association with
great contemporary Arab poets, most notably the renownded Palestinian poet
Mahmoud Darwish, Khalife seeks to renew the character of Arab song, breaking
its stereotypes and advancing the culture of the society that surrounds it.

This Program is sponsored by A Community Grant from the Berklee College of

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