[LCM Events] Fwd: Special invitation for a Boston student-led dialogue about Annapolis

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 28 21:31:38 EST 2007

----- Forwarded message from yoni.v at peacefestboston.org -----
    Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:18:56 -0800 (PST)
    From: Yoni Vendriger <yoni.v at peacefestboston.org>
Reply-To: Yoni Vendriger <yoni.v at peacefestboston.org>
 Subject: Special invitation for a Boston student-led dialogue about Annapolis
      To: Ghenwa Hakim <ghakim at bu.edu>, Yoni Vendriger
<yoni.v at peacefestboston.org>

Dear supporters of dialogue,

This is an important invitation for a city-wide, student-led dialogue event,
Reflections on the Annapolis Peace Conference, for you and your organization to
attend. If you would like to add your organization to the co-sponsors (no
charge) list you are welcome to join.

Reflections on the Annapolis Peace Conference

The Annapolis peace conference is being held to find a resolution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the ultimate goal of creating a two-state
solution. The conference will be held in Annapolis, Maryland during the last
week of November 2007. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will host the
meeting and both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert are expected to attend.
While most people hope for constructive results, the conference has been
preceded by worries and doubts of its potential success. The outcome,
?positive? or ?negative?, will surely provide much to discuss. As there
are speculations about the conference actually taking place, in case it does
not, that will be a major topic as well.
In order to promote dialogue and express various ideas, Students for Peace and
the Boston University Palestinian- Israeli Peace Alliance are hosting an event
on December 2, 2007 to foster communication about the conference and its
results. The event will open with a short presentation by Boston University
International Relations Professor Charles Dunbar, about the conference.
What: Reflections on the Annapolis Peace Conference
Where: The Democracy Center - 45 Mt. Auburn Cambridge MA 02138
When: Sunday Dec. 2nd from 6-9pm
Afterwards, the floor will open up to you, the participants, so that you can
engage in dialogue with others and voice your opinion in an intellectually
stimulating setting. The main purpose is for today?s students, the future
leaders, to hear and share their opinions with other; especially with those who
have different perspectives, are from different backgrounds and have various
political points of view. ***There will be no political agenda promoted or
presented and everything is off the record so feel free to say anything.
After the open dialogue portion there will be Middle-Eastern cuisine and
entertainment by the ABAN duo (Arab and Jewish musicians) to allow smaller
group conversation.

Co-sponsors to date: ARABSA - BU Arab Student Association, MITSI - MIT Students
for Israel, PJA ? Harvard Progressive Jewish Alliance.

To RSVP email dialogue at students4peace.org

Thank you very much,
Yoni Vendriger
Students for Peace

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