[LCM Events] Reminder: Submit your Resume for Harvard MENA Careers Fair

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 26 17:13:03 EST 2007

Dear All,

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day to submit
your resume for the Harvard MENA Conference Careers Fair, without a fee. 
Although the information on the website indicates that you have until
Wednesday, I would submit it ASAP just to be sure.

It seems that it is already too late to have your resumes included in the resume
book (although the information below states otherwise) but according to the
website, recruiters will still receive all resumes handed in by the deadline
(either Tuesday or Wednesday).

Should be a really great event!  Hope to see you all there.



The HBS Middle East and North Africa club is excited to announce the
inaugural Harvard Business School Middle East / North Africa Conference and
Careers fair on December 1st, 2007.  The conference will be interesting for
not only students that are considering building a career in the Middle East
/ North Africa region, but also for those curious about what is happening
there. The day-long event will include keynote speeches and panel
discussions addressing the growth of MENA economies and highlighting
opportunities in key and emerging sectors. Attendees will have the chance to
gain insights from distinguished industry and public sector leaders as well
as private equity, consulting and investment banking officers. The
conference will be followed by a Careers Fair which includes an impressive
list of participating companies namely; Citadel Capital, EFG Hermes,
Istithmar, Abraaj, Booz Allen Hamilton, McKinsey & Company, Agility, Bahrain
Economic development board, Goldman Sachs, Investcorp, Monitor, Mubadala,
Saudi Aramco and others. Food and refreshments will be provided.

*	Registration is easy and free for all students;
<http://www.harvardmenaweekend.org> www.harvardmenaweekend.org

*	There will be a prize draw for three Apple iPod Touch for all
conference attendees

*	Email your resume/ CV by Nov 27th to
<mailto:careersfair at harvardmena.org> careersfair at harvardmena.org to be
included in the MENA Careers Fair Resume Book

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-----Original Message-----
From: arab-announce-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:arab-announce-bounces at MIT.EDU]
On Behalf Of Iman Kandil
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:17 AM
To: arab-announce at mit.edu
Cc: Riad Armanious
Subject: [arab-announce] First MENA Conference at Harvard Business School



Begin forwarded message:

From: "Riad Armanious" <rarmanious at mba2008.hbs.edu>

Date: November 20, 2007 3:44:15 AM EST

To: <ikandil at mit.edu>

Subject: First MENA Conference at Harvard Business School



The HBS Middle East and North Africa club is excited to announce the
inaugural Harvard Business School Middle East / North Africa Conference and
Careers fair on December 1st, 2007.  The conference will be interesting for
not only students that are considering building a career in the Middle East
/ North Africa region, but also for those curious about what is happening
there. The day-long event will include keynote speeches and panel
discussions addressing the growth of MENA economies and highlighting
opportunities in key and emerging sectors. Attendees will have the chance to
gain insights from distinguished industry and public sector leaders as well
as private equity, consulting and investment banking officers. The
conference will be followed by a Careers Fair which includes an impressive
list of participating companies namely; Citadel Capital, EFG Hermes,
Istithmar, Abraaj, Booz Allen Hamilton, McKinsey & Company, Agility, Bahrain
Economic development board, Goldman Sachs, Investcorp, Monitor, Mubadala,
Saudi Aramco and others. Food and refreshments will be provided.   


*	Registration is easy and free for all students;
<http://www.harvardmenaweekend.org> www.harvardmenaweekend.org
*	There will be a prize draw for three Apple iPod Touch for all
conference attendees
*	Email your resume/ CV by Nov 27th to
<mailto:careersfair at harvardmena.org> careersfair at harvardmena.org to be
included in the MENA Careers Fair Resume Book


Could you please forward this to any one / group that you think would be
interested in attending either the conference or the careers fair?




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