[LCM Events] No Meeting Sunday, BUT...

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 3 13:10:49 EDT 2007

Dear All,

We will be taking a break from LCM meetings tomorrow night after a (hopefully)
very successful Libanissimo tonight!

However, we have a very important event coming up THIS WEDNESDAY.  You have all
received the email below about the Arab Research Seminar.  This is a joint
event sponsored by the Lebanese Club and the Arab Student Organization, which
will be held each month.

For our first seminar, our VERY OWN Rami Rahal will be one of two students
presenting their work.  Please mark this on your calendars!  It promises to be
an enriching event, WITH FOOD!  Come indulge in a delicious Middle Eastern
dinner while learning about two very fascinating research topics!!!

I really hope you can make it!  It should not last for more than an hour and a

See you all tonight!


Hi everyone,

Please join us next Wednesday, Nov 7 for our first session of the new research
seminar series devoted to Arab students and researchers at M.I.T.  As many of
you know, this is a new forum for Arab students/researchers to interact with
each other and to learn about the great research being done here at MIT.  We
hope you will join us for some exciting talks and some delicious food from
Aceituna Cafe.

Our first two speakers are Ali Mohmmad, a Ph.D. candidate from CSAIL, and Rami
Rahal, a Ph.D. candidate from Biology.  Ali will discuss his work on Natural
Language Processing - a field attempting to allow electronic systems to process
human language.  Rami will discuss his work on the machinery that controls
chromosome segregation during cell division.   The talks will be 20 min each
and will start at 7pm in room 3-133.

Arab Research Seminar Series
Wednesday Nov. 7
MIT Room 3-133

Hope to see you there!

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