[LCM Events] Disabled Lebanese Visitor in need of Assistance

Lindsay Broockman lbroockman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 11:22:36 EDT 2007


My name is Lindsay Broockman.  I was recently contacted by a family friend
(Susan Driver) who volunteered several years ago with the Lebanese Welfare
Association for the Handicapped to host a disabled Lebanese girl, Zeinab
Abou Dallah, and her mother in Philadelphia while the girl received surgical
care from an area hospital and recuperated.  (Her case is actually mentioned
directly on the LWAH website  http://www.lwah.org.lb/cases.html.)

The family continues to live in Lebanon, and Zeniab's uncle, Ahmad Alsaheli,
was recently injured and lost his sight.  The same organization, LWAH
 has arranged for Mr. Alsaheli to receive surgery with the potential to
restore his sight here in Boston with the Boston Eye Group.

I was contacted by my family friend to see if I could help find a host
family for him to stay with while he recuperates.  Mr. Alsaheli is 25 and
would be staying in the country for 2-4 months.  Because he speaks little
English and will need to negotiate many cultural differences, I thought he
would be most comfortable staying with someone in the Boston Lebanese

If you could please forward this message to members of your group, I would
most appreciate it.  If anyone is interested, I will contact them directly
with the contact information for the family as well as for Mr. Alsaheli's
case manager for LWAH in Lebanon.

Thank you very much,

Lindsay Broockman
LBroockman at gmail.com
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