[LCM Events] Social Fundraiser for Boston Palestine FilmFest :: March 6th @ Cafe Algiers

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 20 19:51:44 EST 2007






     Algiers Coffee House 
      40 Brattle Street
      Cambridge Harvard Square
     Tuesday, March 6th 
      from 8 - 11pm
     $20 per person includes food*
      Wine & beer available for purchase separately

     Live Arabic music with Jamal Sinno & visiting musicians. Great Arabic food, open mic for poetry readings or impromptu performance. Come socialize, support and learn about a great new cultural initiative in Boston. 

     info at bostonpalestinefilmfestival.org 
     Sponsored by Tawassul 
      Special thanks to Emile Durzi for donating Algiers for this special night. 

      Download Event Flyer (PDF)

*All proceeds go towards the festival and are tax deductible. Contributions to the film festival can be made out as checks payable to MECCS\Tawassul marked with "Boston Palestine Film Festival" and mailed to: Tawassul, P.O. Box 382425, Cambridge, MA 02238.

Tawassul is a program of the Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society (MECCS), a 501 (c) (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.


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