[LCM Events] Fares Center Fall Lectures

Dauhajre, Omar A. Omar.Dauhajre at tufts.edu
Thu Aug 30 09:54:54 EDT 2007

The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Tufts University

Invites you to attend:


Fares Center Lecture Series

Fall 2007


Shai Feldman

"The Middle East at 2008: Challenges 

for the U.S."

Judy and Sidney Swartz Director's Chair of the Crown Center for Middle
East Studies and Professor of Politics, Brandeis University

October 3rd  



John Voll

"Religion, Pluralism, and Terrorism: 21st Century Dilemmas"

Professor of Islamic History,

Georgetown University

November 14th  



Barnett R. Rubin

"Why Are We in Afghanistan?"

Director of Studies and Senior Fellow,

Center on International Cooperation,

New York University

December 5th




5:30 pm - Cabot Intercultural Center, 7th Floor

Open to the Public


Tufts University

160 Packard Avenue

Medford, MA 02155


For more information contact:


Fares-center at tufts.edu










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