[LCM Events] Fwd: Regional Dialogue event - Tuesday, April 17, 7:30-9:30

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 13 00:44:50 EDT 2007

Tuesday, April 17th from 7:30-9:30pm

Come talk, meet and listen to students from other
schools in Boston/Cambridge and from around the world
in this rare opportunity to discuss global affairs and
how the perpetuation of war is affecting us all. Is it
good? Necessary? Can it be prevented?

Whether American or Iranian, Israeli or Palestinian,
religious or secular, democrat or republican, moderate
or extremist of any kind - come share!!!

This regional social dialogue is a chance for you to
share your thoughts and opinions. Forget about the
media and politicians; hear different perspectives of
other students like you.

Dr. Gregory Payne, an Organizational and Political
Communication Professor at Emerson College, will
moderate the event. After the events of 9/11 Dr. Payne
started the American-Saudi exchange program among many
achievements in his vast career.

Tuesday, April 17th from 7:30-9:30pm, Harvard
University Center for Government & International
Studies (CGIS) South room 050 by the corner of
Cambridge and Prescott.

We hope to see you soon and hear your perspective,
Students for Peace

Co-sponsored by:
Progressive Jewish Alliance - Harvard
Middle East Caucus - Harvard
Shalom-Salaam Movement - Boston
The Global Students Network - Berklee
The Communication, Politics and Law Association -
Massachusetts Student Peace Alliance - Brandeis

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