[LCM Events] 4th ASO Science and Technology Awards Banquet...Sat. April 14, 7pm...Ticket Sales closing soon, Buy yours NOW!

mkandil@MIT.EDU mkandil at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 2 21:30:03 EDT 2007

**Reminder: Ticket sales will be closing in a few days...Buy your tickets NOW.**


MIT Arab Students? Organization Science and Technology Achievement Awards
Banquet 2007 (Saturday, April 14, 2007)

More than 150 Arab-American professionals and college students from the Boston
area will participate in the annual Arab-American Science and Technology awards
banquet at the MIT University Park Hotel from 7-10:00 pm. on April 14th.  The
program starts with an informal reception followed by dinner and a ceremony to
honor this year?s Awardees.

?Every Spring the MIT Arab Student?s Organization celebrates exceptional
Arab and Arab Americans who have made noteworthy contributions to science,
technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and
the world in the 21st century,? said Mariam Kandil, President of the MIT Arab
Students? Organization. ?This year?s award recipients have set high goals
for themselves and successfully pursued these goals. We aim to increase
awareness of the achievements of these brilliant role models among members of
the MIT and Boston community.?

The winner of this year?s life-time achievement award is Dr. Huda Zoghbi, a
professor of Pediatrics in Neurology and Neuroscience at the Baylor College of
Medicine, an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and a member
of the National Academy of Sciences.  The young professional award winner is
Dr. Hayat Sindi, a leading medical researcher who invented a machine combining
the effects of light and ultra-sound for use in the esoteric field of
biotechnology. The graduate and undergraduate student award winners are Dr.
Saleh Al-Tuwaijri and Mr. Ali Al-Hassani, respectively. The Awardees were
selected by a panel of distinguished judges: Dr. Mujid Kazimi, Director of MIT
Center for Advanced Nuclear Studies, Dr. Ahmed Ghoniem, Director of the MIT
Reacting Gas Dynamics Laboratory, Dr. Shihab AlBorai, President of the MIT Arab
Alumni Association, and Mr. Omar Al-Madhi, MBA student at the MIT Sloan School
of Management and former President of the MIT ASO.

Guests of honor at the Banquet include: MIT President, Susan Hockfield, MIT Dean
of Graduate Students, Isaac Colbert, and Institute Chaplain, Robert Randolph.
The awards banquet links different generations of Arab and Arab American
Science and Technology specialists and presents a valuable opportunity for Arab
American students to interact with accomplished professionals from the

Last year?s Awards Banquet held in the Omni Parker House Hotel, honored Dr.
Charles Elachi, the director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Vice
President of the California Institute of Technology with the life-time
achievement award and Dr. Hisham Kassab, founder and current President & CTO of
MobiLaps LLC project with the young professional award. Mr. Ahmed Ghazi and Mr.
Amjad Afanah were the student award winners.

On-line registration and ticket-sales are available at the MIT Arab Students?
Organization website (http://web.mit.edu/arab/).  A limited number of
subsidized tickets are available for students.  For more detailed information
on the awards, consult the Arab Students? Organization website or contact
Samer Abdin at arab-comm at mit.edu or 626-340-9585.
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