[LCM Events] Public Service Center paid fellowships (for work in Lebanon)

Heather Trickett trickett at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 26 13:17:05 EDT 2006

Hi, everyone.

I would like to bring to your attention that the MIT Public Service 
Center is now receiving fellowship applications until October 20 for 
IAP. Through the Fellowships program, the PSC has supported past 
reconstruction activities after major devastatation, including projects 
in Sri Lanka and Indonesia after the Tsunami, as well as in New Orleans 
after Katrina.  With all the help that Lebanon needs now, use your 
skills and talents (at all levels, i.e., technical, engineering, 
humanities, management, social, and otherwise) to assist in its 
reconstruction and rehabilitation. The deadline for IAP is coming up, 
October 20. (I believe the deadline for summer fellowships will be in 
March '07.) I think the best bets are the Independent and Vector 
Fellowships (you can design your own project), so check out the web 
site and talk to Alison Hynd, who runs the program (see below).

Knowing that the major efforts are going to be launched in the coming 
year - 2007, I believe this is a timely opportunity.

Heather Trickett

IAP Fellowships
For IAP, we welcome capacity-building community service projects in all 
fields. Students can apply for our advertised Focus Fellowships and the 
team Network Fellowships, or they may design their own Independent or 
Vector Fellowships. Undergraduates who have faculty advisors for their 
projects can apply for Baker Fellowships.

This IAP, we particularly encourage students to develop projects 
focused on Hurricane Katrina Relief, Building Capacity for the City of 
Lawrence, or Poverty Action.

The deadline to apply for IAP Fellowships is Friday, October 20, at 
Check out all the opportunities at http://mit.edu/mitpsc/fellowships/
New projects are added over time, so keep checking back.
Questions? Contact Alison at fellowships-staff at mit.edu

Heather Trickett
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator

MIT Public Service Center
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Room 4-104
Cambridge, MA  02139

617-253-8968 (v)
617-258-9357 (f)
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