[LCM Events] Watertown Trip - Sunday, September 30th

Daniele Diab ddiab at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 23 10:23:39 EDT 2006

Hello All,

The Lebanese Club's annual trip to Watertown will take place on
Saturday, September 30th.

We will meet at 11 am sharp (Eastern Time ;-)) at 77 Mass Ave. to take the
#1 bus to Harvard, where we will transfer to a different bus that will take
us to Watertown.

The Club will subsidize the lunch at a local Lebanese restaurant. You will
be responsible for covering the bus fare.

We expect to be back in Cambridge by 4 pm.

Please email me by noon on Friday if you plan to come.


Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
450 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139

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