[LCM Events] {website visitor} Benefit for Lebanon]

Elizabeth Molle molle at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 21 14:09:17 EDT 2006

flier attached

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: {website visitor} Benefit for Lebanon
Date: 	Sat, 21 Oct 2006 14:03:01 -0700
From: 	Elizabeth Molle <molle at fas.harvard.edu>
To: 	Loai Naamani <loai at MIT.EDU>, lebanon-events at mit.edu
References: 	<007201c6dda3$8260d670$3a035f12 at LOAIX60S>

Dear Loai,

Thank you for your support in spreading the word!  We are very excited 
about the event as the band, hall, press (the benefit is in the Metro 
tomorrow) and belly dancer were all donated.   More money for Lebanon.  
I am cc'ing lebanon-events at mit.edu with the flier attached as you 
instructed.  I am more than happy to send you the final amount donated 
for your website counter.


On 9/21/2006 10:29 AM, Loai Naamani wrote:
> Dear Liz--- Thank you for your email and commitment to this cause. Please
> send your announcement and flyer directly to lebanon-events at mit.edu, and
> I'll make sure it reaches our widest readership. Also, can you please do me
> a favor and let me know how much the event raised once it's over? I'd like
> to reflect that on the collective counter available at
> www.bostontolebanon.com (which is still under construction and will be
> officially launched soon). Best, L.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: molle at fas.harvard.edu [mailto:molle at fas.harvard.edu] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:41 AM
> To: contact at justiceforlebanon.com
> Subject: {website visitor} Benefit for Lebanon
> Dear concerned citizen for Lebanon,
> The Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Church is supporting a benefit for
> Lebanon
> on October 6th at 8pm.  I am trying to reach out to as many Lebanese
> citizens in
> the Boston area as possible in the hopes that this will be a successful
> event.
> All money raised will go the Cedars Church and will be sent by Monsignor
> Lahoud
> to the Bishop in Lebanon for disbursement to local charities in need.  As
> you
> held such a successful demonstration in Copley Square, I was hoping that you
> would forward the attached flier to your supporters.
> All the best,
> Liz Molle

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