[LCM Events] FW: Annoucement of AH event

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 4 13:14:24 EDT 2006

The Arabic Hour has been instrumental in its coverage and support of the
Justice for Lebanon campaign and related efforts in the Greater Boston;
please try your best to attend and support its 25th anniversary. Best, L.



From: Souad [mailto:srdajani at netzero.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 11:56 AM
To: srdajani at netzero.com
Subject: FW: Annoucement of AH event



Please mark the date and share with your lists


Many thanks






Join us in celebrating 


The Arabic Hour's 25th Anniversary


Celebration and Fundraiser Event


Boston University, School of Management (Hariri Building) Auditorium

595 Commonwealth Avenue

Friday November 3, 7-9 pm 

Doors open at 6:45 pm, program starts promptly at 7 pm



Program Highlights:

*      Performances by acclaimed Arab American comics Dean Obeidallah and
Ronnie Khalil

*      Dance performances by Noujoum el Shark ("Stars of the East")

*      Live Arabic music by local community members

*      Display and sale of books and Arabic Hour programs on DVD 

*      Snacks and refreshments

*      Meet volunteers and friends of the Arabic Hour, socialize and have


Get your tickets today! 


($40 - regular, $20 - students)

Visit our website at www.arabic.hour.org <http://www.arabichour.org/> 

Call us at: (617) 323-2226, Semaan (617) 851-6910

 Or email us at: arabichour at gmail.com



The Arabic Hour is the production of the American-Arab Media Foundation, a
non-profit organization in Massachusetts. The Arab Hour program is produced
weekly and is broadcast on more than fifteen cable channels in MA and one in
RI. Run entirely by a group of volunteers, it the oldest Arab-American
television show in the country. Tickets can be mailed to you or held at the
door. Tickets will not be sold at the event.


------------ Cut

Mail check to: American-Arab Media Foundation, P. O. Box 320012, West
Roxbury, MA 02132

 No, I will not be able to attend but I would like to be a sponsor, I'm
enclosing my donation

 Yes, I would like to attend I'm enclosing my check, for   $_____, 

# Of Tickets at a regular rate ($40) _____, # of ticket at student rate
($20) ______



City                              State ______


Zip code                                             Phone:


Sponsor Amount:           $50_____         $100_____       $200____
$500____         Other    $_____


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