[LCM Events] Simon Shaheen Concert

Ghassan Fayad gfayad at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 5 10:21:49 EDT 2006

Friday October 20, the Boston Chapter of the World Lebanese Cultural
Union(WLCU) is presenting Simon Shaheen and Qantara in "A Concert for
Lebanon's Children".

Simon Shaheen and Qantara in
"A Concert for Lebanon's Children"
Friday October 20, 2006 at 8PM
Shaw Auditorium at Watertown H.S.
50 Columbia Street Watertown, MA

All proceeds to benefit
The Chronic Care Center (Lebanon) For the treatment of chronic childhood
diseases & The Lebanese Association of SOS Children's Villages

$40 Adult / $25 Students (must present student ID) Tickets available in
advance: Go to www.wlcu.us (purchase online) or call 617.816.1388 for
details. The program begins promptly at 8pm.
Purchase Tickets Online ($40 Adult):

Purchase Tickets Online ($25 Student):

The Chronic Care Center (www.chroniccare.org.lb) provides treatment for
chronic childhood diseases such as diabetes and thalassemia.  The Lebanese
Association of SOS Children's Villages (www.sos.org.lb) help orphaned and
abandoned children by building nurturing relationships within a family and
community structure.
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