[LCM Events] The War in Lebanon. Monday 7:45pm. Emerson 101

Belkis Wille wille at fas.harvard.edu
Sun Nov 19 15:48:56 EST 2006

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For 65 days last summer, the world watched as the war between Israel  
and Lebanon

             Harvard students were there.

                       Lebanese filmmakers captured the action.

Come learn about Lebanon, unfiltered by the media or partisan  
politics. The
Lebanese Students Association and the Harvard College Student  
Advocates for
Human Rights will host a screening of footage taken in Lebanon over  
the summer,
and hear from a  panel of students who were there. Bring the  
questions American
journalism has left unanswered...

Monday, Nov 20 at 7:45pm in Emerson 101, Harvard Yard, at Harvard Square

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