[LCM Events] Fadi Kanaan: Wins Outstanding Treasurer Award 2006

Ghassan Najib Fayad gfayad at MIT.EDU
Fri May 19 17:08:56 EDT 2006

Dear LCMers, Friends and TechLeb Planning Committee,

Congratulation to LCM and Edgerton house Outstanding Treasurer Fadi Kanaan. 
Fadi just received "Outstanding Treasurer Award 2006".  The award is presented
to a graduate student who went "above and beyond" his or her call of duty as a
student group treasurer and who moved their organization to a new level of
service with regards to financial management or business operations.

The competition is really hard but Fadi's work stands out in the Lebanese Club @
MIT and Edgerton house.

I would like to thank all the people who nominated Fadi and other Lebanese Club
members and events.

Congratulations Fadi!
Ghassan Fayad
Lebanese Club @ MIT, Secretary

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